
Pets are prone to heart diseases that can significantly compromise their quality and length of life.

Specialist cardiac examinations are focused on the prevention, diagnose and treatment of diseases that specifically affect the heart and, more generally, the cardiovascular system, problems that can stem from both genetic and congenital origins.

Symptoms such as breathing difficulties, heart murmurs, coughing and fatigue, can all be indications of significant problems of the cardiovascular systems in both cats and dogs. These ailments can be identified in a precise and timely manner using state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treated by our experts for the best possible results.

    • Echocardiography (a test that uses sound waves to produce live images of your heart)
    • ECG (electrocardiogram) and interpretation
    • Blood pressure measurement
    • Certificates of suitability for breeding
    • Pre-anesthesia control